
War Myths

This weekend I came across an article that was so stunning in its idiotic and narcissistic tone that I felt compelled to write about the author, author may be too broad a term as I think more people read my blog than his books. The author before I start, is wanna be writer Edward W. Wood, Jr., a World War II veteran, veterans whom I normally have the utmost respect for, but this dip wad is a complete and utterly stupid person.

He was wounded during WWII at the age of 19 after an entire day and a half in battle, which apparently gives him the right to be a complete moron. He writes about war and politics; think John the traitor Kerry and Vietnam and curl it back to WWII. This post may be a little long for some of you but I can’t help it. So relax, have some wine and than have some more wine.

In his self-proclaimed fantasy titled appropriately “Getting past the myths of war,” he begins by giving us an insight into his brain or lack thereof. The trip inside is scary since it is dark in there and mostly devoid of any substantial matter. He begins our journey into his netherworld of self-indulgence by saying, “The problem with America in its struggle with terrorism is one we never talk of: our dedication - some would say addiction - to the myths of World War II.”

Yes little Eddie, I am sure that is our problem. These myths as you call them and our dedication to them is what flew those planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. Our lack of talking about these myths is what caused so many Americans to force flight 93 down knowing they were going to die. I remember clearly just the other day saying, gee, if it weren’t for the myths of WWII, our struggle against terrorism would be so much easier.

Proving his tight grasp on history is secure, he goes on to say, “From our colonial wars, our revolution, our wars with Native Americans, our Civil War, our wars of expansion in 1846 and 1898 and our victory in World War I, we inherited war as a path to national identity. Our stunning triumph in World War II gave war its mythical and glorious aspect in our minds.”

Are you getting a clearer picture now? Our inheritance is war and our victory in WWII was stunning. Let me say a few things little Eddie before you reveal some more of your astonishing historical grasp of history. What we inherited was not war, but peace, what we inherited was freedom and liberty paid for with the blood of our fathers and grandfathers so morons such as you could debase their efforts. Let me also say I am a Native American, I was born here, and I don’t recall fighting against this country, perhaps you were referring to the Apache who murdered and raped our women, burned our homes and tortured our men, just a thought. Let me also tell you since you were probably unconscious at the time that our victory in WWII was not stunning, it was foretold the moment we entered the war because we are that good. It was also paid for with blood, suffering, death, and courage.

Continuing to impress with his knowledge of both historical and current events, little Eddie pontificates further, “In spite of the stalemate in the Korean War, the brutal failure of the war in Vietnam and now the quagmire in Iraq - which even its advocates admit is not going well - the myths of that war more than 60 years ago continue to possess us and determine the way we relate to the rest of the world.” The stalemate in Korea was only because a politician would not let McArthur smash the communists and you have to admit South Korea has a damn good level of freedom today because of the stalemate while North Korea can’t feed its own people.

Vietnam was not a brutal failure, we were winning until politicians with a mindset like yours got involved and Iraq is not a quagmire no matter how much your liberal friends in the media portray it. However, it is your myths that interest me more than you obvious grasp of historical and current events.

You state that, “Severely wounded at age 19 in that war (yes you told us already), I have watched those myths slowly soften its harsh horror. Out of our stunning victory in 1945 we have come to believe in the following myths”: Let us look at your myths because they certainly aren’t ours.

Your myth # 1: War is good.
“Our defeat of Hitler and Hirohito and the "evil" that their nations inflicted on the world was complete. In that victory, continental America was never in danger of serious attack and its economy exploded, ending the Great Depression of the 1930s. World War II became a "good" to most Americans who never suffered from its horror.” I have heard crap in my time, but you seem hell bent on winning first prize in the big crap on yourself contest I am sponsoring next week.

First of all, it is interesting that you place quotes around the word evil. I take it from that little remark that you approve of wholesale slaughter of millions of Jews, Polish and Russians by Germany, or is perhaps to the rape, torture and beheadings by the Japanese you refer? As to war becoming “good” to most Americans, it appears it is good to you since after your first wife dumped you, you have been trying, dismally I might add, to earn a living off of war. Other than you, I really can’t recall a single American saying or thinking war is good. War may be necessary, but good is not a word I would attach to it.

Your myth #2: World War II was fought by the Greatest Generation.
You have this thing about Tom Brokow don’t you. “We came to believe that the generation which won the war had a kind of nobility not known to previous or later generations. It defeated that monstrous "evil" that so threatened the world.” After ignored your quoted evil again, I will tell you that they were the greatest generation. Many of our fathers and grandfathers came from this generation and I can tell you in no uncertain terms, mine were great and better than I. Looking at your family tree, so were yours, which must be why they disowned you. Men and women, boys and girls of America defeated this monstrous evil and make no mistake; they did not think war was good and that evil needed quotes.

Your myth #3: We won World War II largely on our own.
“Our literature and our movies seldom acknowledge the contribution of other nations to the victory in 1945. We believe our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines largely won that war without much allied support.” Eddie, I remember watching war movies at an early age, Combat with Frenchie, the Philippino’s during the Pacific war, the Brits, and even the French (gag) underground helping out in their own ways. I recall the Australians, the Belgium’s and the Russians, but you know what else I remember. The collective world was getting its ass kicked before we got in there and cleaned clock.

Your myth #4: When evil lies in others, war is the only means to justice.
The shocking discovery of the camps of the Holocaust at the end of that war showed us that absolute evil existed. The failure to halt that barbarity lay in those in Britain and France who appeased Hitler in the 1930s. There must be no appeasement, no mercy shown to enemy civilians or soldiers.” Gee wiz Eddie, no quotes around evil? Did you forget them in your hurry to spew forth tripe? Let me say this about your myth, when evil lies in others, war is sometimes the only answer, Chamberlain learned about talking to Hitler and we were talking with the Japanese when they attacked us. One other thing, war is not about justice, it is about winning.

Now since this myth crap is getting long, I will finish your garbage in a second post. I do have a question for you little Eddie, have you sold more than three books? There are some liberals who will buy just about anything, just look at the success of Michael Moore.

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