
Bringing their tails behind them

The Republican Party is like little Bo Peep. It has lost its way and doesn’t know how to find itself. When they run on conservative values and actually, govern on conservative values, they win. The problems of this current crop of apologists and pending hounds are pathetic and legion. They raise spending to astronomical heights, they fail their president time after time, and they run like hell whenever a Democrap calls them names. Racist, homophobic, cruel, and uncaring. They themselves only seem to speak out on one of a few issues, I hate the troops being killed by the President’s insistence on following Rumsfeld, and wow, we didn’t know we had sex scandals in our party.

Let me begin my whining, yes conservatives can whine too, about some of the things I absolutely hate about Republicans. For those few of you that defend them right or wrong, I will say, THEY STOLE THE ELECTION. I WANT A RECOUNT. THE NEWS MEDIA IS TO BLAME. Feel better now? The Dumpocraps did all those things because Republicans allowed it. Did you actually expect them to play fair? I heard so many Republicans last evening complaining about Iraq and about Bush; it was nauseating. You know what? Bush wasn’t running. The Iraq war will continue even if Dumpocraps capture both houses. Idiots and buffoons.

The economy is the best it has ever been, employment is at an all time low, and the country is safe in time of war. Exactly what were you hoping to change by staying home, by bad mouthing Bush, by voting for anyone in the Dumpocrap party? I take it back, you are not idiots and buffoons, and you are actually IDIOTS AND BUFFOONS. I do not consider myself Republican, I consider myself sane (well mostly), Conservative – very Libertarian if you must, Traditionalist and did I mention very HANDSOME.

I vote for Republicans because they are less distasteful than Dumpocraps. Isn’t that special. Well, so do most readers here, but now I have to listen to liberal idiots (sorry, being redundant again) harp about their lack of agenda and Bush sniping for the next two years. I need some Demerol. Next thing you know I will consider moving to France.

In 1994, the Republicans stood up and said this is what we are about and they won. They did not apologize, okay very much anyway. When they failed to support Newt, they began their downfall. What did Newt do that was so bad, nothing. Hillary did exactly the same and worse and she is sitting in the senate because Dumpocraps ignored all allegations and don’t give me the crap about the liberal media. Dumpocraps stand behind the most heinous statements, the most horrendous behavior and they win. Republicans run like little girlie men and they lose.

I don’t think Republicans should say the Dumpocraps are soft on crime or the war on terror. I believe they should say they are cowards and traitors using those words. Every Republican that misuses or breaks the public trust should be publicly hung and instantly replaced with someone even more conservative and than trot out the crimes of Dumpocraps.

I believe the Republicans should go after and prosecute every single leak of national security information by the same afternoon and either execute or put the traitor in prison for life with no parole, senator or editor or Mister no body.

I believe the Republicans should publicly ridicule every stupid idea the Dumpocraps put forth with facts and figures with a clear demonstration of what a complete moron the Dumpocrap truly is.

I believe that abortion, global warming, the UN, terror, and Islam should be reduced to 30-second sound bites and run at least weekly on every station.

I believe that Republicans should push through term limits for all congressional members with no grandfather clause and no apologies.

I believe I’m going to take my Demerol.

Little Bo peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Bringing their tails behind them.
Little Bo peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating,
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were all still fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook
Determined for to find them.
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they left their tails behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by,
There she espied their tails side by side
All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye,
And over the hillocks went rambling,
And tried what she could,
As a shepherdess should,
To tack again each to its lambkin.

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