As the days leading up to the elections wane, my faith in the liberal media has been restored from slightly less than fully contemptible to fully contemptible and I would like to thank them for the effort involved. Never let it be said, that I don’t give credit where credit is due. During the preceding last six months or so, I have been greeted on almost a daily basis regarding the mutterings of North Korea. You know, wonderful and kind words such as Bush should engage the North in one on one talks, Clinton and Madeline Fat Dimbright were successful by talking, at least they were talking, Bush needs to go it alone, we are too bogged down in Iraq to deal with North Korea, we are scared of them because they have WMDs, they can hit Los Angles and Hawaii and oh so many other words of encouragement. Yes, thank you one and all you wonderful media whores.
I believe a few points need repeating regarding the media’s illicit love affair with the Howdy Doody of the north. For months we were pelted with complaints about how this administration was failing because Bush refused to talk directly with Kim du Illness and we could be risking a nuclear holocaust sure to advance the cause of GLOBAL WARMING (there it is important now because I capitalized it). Why, we better do something about North Korea; the hell with a coalition of the unwilling – they could be targeting San Francisco right now. Damn it Donald Rumsfeld, wasting all that money on a missile defend shield that doesn’t work per the expect Billy Bob Clinton. By god, maybe we should attack them and blow them up. Jimmy Peanut talked to them and even brokered a deal for Billy Bob Clinton, see what we can do when we have not lost the respect of the international community. Damn, we could even give them a brand new nuclear reaction, just talk to them. Maybe they won’t lie this time; it has to be worth a nuclear reactor to find out right Peanut for Brains.
Next thing we know Kim ima Tufutbandit was shooting missiles and they could reach America according to CNN’s disgraced general expert panel. Better duck Nancy Pelosi, your district is on their hit list and the black population centers that Bush don’t care about is too. So, Kim Kerry shoots off a few dangerous missiles and most of them fail or are blown up. The media immediately labeled this a success and cried about the sky falling. Build those bomb shelters in San Francisco under Candlestick Park and get the homeless some bombproof shopping carts, oh and send A&P the bill for them. Okay, now North Korea has advanced to around 1933 and can shoot off a bottle rocket or something. Target, they couldn’t target a Yugo that was sputtering off their own coast.
So later Kim Don Crapface explodes a nuclear bomb and the international community goes absolutely crazy. Where is Bush’s plan and don’t forget his exit strategy. Don’t you wish we had a real president like Clinton instead of a stupid, draft-dodging president like Bush? He won’t even talk to them; he is sticking to his failed policy of wanting the Russians, Japan, and China to do what he is afraid of doing. Where are all the Bush supporters now, now that we have a new member of the nuclear club? Why, we wouldn’t even confirm they exploded a nuclear device for days, how irresponsible. Where is the CIA that Clinton gutted, why didn’t they know he had a bomb. Let’s begin a congressional investigation. Why isn’t Bush doing something, because he is too distracted with Iraq?
Doesn’t it just make you so tired listening to this? Now that Bush’s strategy for dealing with the North Korean fruit basket has proved him right; AGAIN, the news media is silent. North Korea has agreed to come back to the bargaining table, it looks like the nuclear issue is under control for the moment, but does he get headlines saying Bush is Right. Story on page one. No, the contemptible news media has scurried under their rock to wait for the next event they can criticize Bush about. These genitalia of the liberal politicians should stick it up their butts and plug the hole with their experts.
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