While visiting with my daughter last evening she informed me of a serious theft that has occurred of which even I was totally unaware. Upon learning of said theft I was speechless and felt slightly uneasy, it took a hug, and reassuring kiss from her to guarantee me the world was still okay. It seems some callous individual stole both Wednesday and Thursday. I had been certain I was dealing with Tuesday evening last night that it came as a complete shock that Friday was arriving in several hours.
She offered me beer and pizza, which I readily accepted to drown away my pain. I knew Thanksgiving was coming next week along with some houseguests, but I still had plenty of time. There was no need to find a dead turkey in the forest, pick some cranberries from the bog, and dig up some sweet potatoes, lots of time. So while eating my now second slice of pizza and imbibing my second beer my mind twisted and turned as I attempted to rationalize, my situation.
I looked up at my daughter as she offered a third beer with her outstretched tender hands and I saw the pained look on her face. It was the look of, “You’re really losing it dad.” It was hidden behind a smile so others would not see it, but I recognized the look immediately and was forced to nod in agreement. Gently scolding her when she asked if I wanted another slice for not placing mounds of pepperoni, sausage, and bacon on the pizza, I assisted her in raiding the refrigerator for still another beer.
It was then that the full impact of her devious ways hit me. In a voice that can only be described as humorous, angelic she asked if I could move the refrigerator to the garage as the new one was arriving tomorrow. Leaping to my own defense, I stated in no uncertain terms how I would drive into hell and put out the fires for her if she would only give me another hug. I felt myself searching immediately for a map as she did me even one better and heinously gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Suspecting I had been foiled once again she informed me that I might have to drill a hole through the tile floor and run a water system for the new refrigerator before it was delivered. To mask my surprise I was forced to have still another beer. As she joined me, I was obligated to inquire why she never gained an ounce nor lost her advantage over me when we drank malt beverages. Rubbing my stomach in a move that can only be taken as a sign of compassionate, pain, and superiority, she informed me it was because she preferred broccoli on her pizza and because she was special. This was far too much for me to take, so I went about the task of moving the refrigerator in abject silence with only an occasional grunt.
Later as we stood by her front door and as I prepared to leave, the rains poured down in a practice session for the great flood. She stood holding me tightly and I followed her gaze to the rain gutters knowing that in my heart of heart I would have to climb up there tomorrow and clear them. While holding her I whispered, “Tomorrow really is Friday?” I could feel her head nod briefly and a giggle leave her lips just before I received the final deathblow kiss, “Yes it is, and I have some chores for you this weekend if you’re not doing anything.”
The rain masked my tears as I sauntered out into the storm.
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