
For a little girl and her daddy

They are always there even when you can't see them.


Anonymous said...

i cry everytime i hear this song-- but now most of the times - the tears are from happy memories of my daddy calling me up on stage at the country club -- and he would sing and we would dance and he would never take his eyes off of me the whole song --- funny the things a we remember as a child -- but this is one of my favorite thing i think about -- me and my daddy -- him singing and dancing with me -- thank you for this -- you will never know just how much it touched my heart -- he was my hero and still is

Once upon a time ~ IBelieved it all and it Believed Everything said...

Came by to listen to my song

Once upon a time ~ IBelieved it all and it Believed Everything said...

but the silly thing would not work ~~ could not sleep ~~